A reduced skinning model of 150K hairs for interactive simulation: (a) We visualize the guide hairs and their weights on other hairs using a colormap. With 150K hair strands, our reduced simulation runs at 40ms per frame. Two of the simulated frames are shown in (b) and (d). As a comparison of the simulation quality, we show the same frames generated by a full simulation (30-60 seconds per frame) in (c) and (e). Our reduced model exhibits comparable hair motions and details as captured by the full simulation.
Realistic hair animation is a crucial component in depicting virtual characters in interactive applications. While much progress has been made in high-quality hair simulation, the overwhelming computation cost hinders similar fidelity in realtime simulations. To bridge this gap, we propose a data-driven solution. Building upon precomputed simulation data, our approach constructs a reduced model to optimally represent hair motion characteristics with a small number of guide hairs and the corresponding interpolation relationships. At runtime, utilizing such a reduced model, we only simulate guide hairs that capture the general hair motion and interpolate all rest strands. We further propose a hair correction method that corrects the resulting hair motion with a position-based model to resolve hair collisions and thus captures motion details. Our hair simulation method enables a simulation of a full head of hairs with over 150K strands in realtime. We demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our method with various hairstyles and driven motions (e.g., head movement and wind force), and compared against full simulation results that does not appear in the training data.
@article {chai2014reducedhair,
title = {A Reduced Model for Interactive Hairs},
author = {Menglei Chai and Changxi Zheng and Kun Zhou}
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics, (Proc. of SIGGRAPH 2014)},
volume = {33},
number = {4},
pages = {to appear},
year = {2014}