Kun Zhou   

Cheung Kong Professor

Director, State Key Lab of CAD&CG

Zhejiang University

Email: kunzhou at acm dot org

I am a Cheung Kong Professor of computer science at Zhejiang University. I received my PhD degree from Zhejiang University. After graduation I spent six years with Microsoft Research Asia, and was a lead researcher of the graphics group before moving back to Zhejiang University. I was named one of the world's top 35 young innovators by MIT Technology Review (2011), was elected an IEEE Fellow (2015) and an ACM Fellow (2020), and received Asiagraphics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award (2022) and ACM SIGGRAPH Test-of-Time Award (2024).
My research interests are in computer graphics, computer vision, parallel computing and human computer interaction. I have conducted a wide range of research on shape modeling/editing, texture mapping/synthesis, real-time rendering, GPU parallel computing, real-time face tracking, and 3D printing. These lines of research have led to over 170 publications (including 80+ SIGGRAPH/TOG papers) and 40+ granted US patents over the past few years. Some of the technologies have been integrated into the D3DX library of Microsoft DirectX, licensed to Disney, Weta Digital, L'OREAL, P&G, and adopted by Bungie Studio (I received credit for my light map generation and compression work on Halo 3).
Professional Activities
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief, Visual Informatics, 2017-present
  • Editorial Advisory Board, IEEE Spectrum, 2014-2020
  • Associate Editor, Computer Graphics Forum, 2022-present
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024-present

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017-2021

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2019-present
  • Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009-2016
  • Associate Editor, The Visual Computer, 2011-2020

  • Associate Editor, Frontiers of Computer Science, 2010-present
  • Scientific Advisory Committee, KAUST GMSV Center, 2011-2013

  • Academic Committee, Microsoft Digital Cartoon and Animation Lab of Beijing Film Academy, 2009-2011

  • General Co-chair, IEEE VR 2023

  • General Co-chair, Geometric Modeling and Processing 2023

  • Program Co-chair, Computer Graphics International 2012, 2014

  • Program Co-chair, Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2011

  • Program Co-chair, Pacific Graphics 2010

  • Papers Committees
    • ACM SIGGRAPH 2009, 2012, 2016, 2021
    • ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023
    • Eurographics 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018
    • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2009-2011, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019
    • Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008, 2011-2014, 2016-2019
    • Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2006
    • Pacific Graphics, 2005-2019
    • ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2011-2015
    • Shape Modeling International, 2008-2017
    • Geometric Modeling and Processing 2006, 2008, 2010
    • Computer Animation and Social Agents 2008
    • High Performance Graphics 2012, 2014, 2016- 2019
  • Reviewer
    • IEEE TOM, CAGD, CAD, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers & Graphics, The Visual Computer
    • ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, SGP, EGSR, IEEE Visualization, ICCV, CVPR, ECCV
    • NSF of China 2007-2008, Israel Science Foundation 2008
  • Invited Talks
    • International Symposium on Culture Technology 2019 (Daejeon, South Korea), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2017 (Helsinki, Finland), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • Computational Visual Media 2016 (Cardiff, UK), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • International Conference on Digital Home, 2016 (Guangzhou), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • Pacific Graphics 2015 (Beijing), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • Global 3D Tech Forum 2014 (Seoul, Korea), Keynote, "Digital Avatars for All: Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • Geometric Modeling and Processing 2014 (Singapore), Keynote, "Interactive Face and Hairs"
    • ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2014 (San Francisco), Keynote, "Realistic Rendering on the GPU"
    • IEEE International Conference on CAD/Graphics 2013 (Hongkong), Keynote, "GPU parallel computing: programing tools and applications"
    • Frontiers of Information Science and Technology 2012 (Shanghai), Invited Speaker, "GPU parallel computing: programing tools and applications"
    • ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 (Hongkong), Course Speaker, "Write three first-authored SIGGRAPH papers in one year - tips for graduate students"
    • Pacific Graphics 2011 (Kaohsiung), Keynote, "Gradien Domain Shape Deformation"
    • Asia Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2011 (Shanghai), Keynote, "GPU Computing with BSGP"
    • KAUST Visual Computing Workshop 2011 (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia), Invited Speaker, "GPU Computing with BSGP"
    • Taiwan Computer Graphics Workshop 2010 (Hsinchu), Keynote, "GPU parallel computing: programming tools, data structures and applications"
    • International Supercomputing Conference 2009 (Hamburg, Germany), Panel Chair, "GPU: Making Your Desktop a SuperComputer?"
    • ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 (Singapore), Course Speaker, "Parallel Computing for Graphics: Beyond Programmable Shading"
    • Cyberworld 2008 (Hangzhou), Keynote, "Real-time Computer Graphics"
    • ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 (San Diego), Course Speaker, "Mesh Parameterization: Theory and Practice"
Selected Publications (complete list...)

 Motion In-betweening via Two-stage Transformers

 Jia Qin, Youyi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2022, [Pdf]

 DeepMVSHair: Deep Hair Modeling from Sparse Views

 Zhiyi Kuang, Yiyang Chen, Hongbo Fu, Youyi Zheng, Kun Zhou, Youyi Zheng

 ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, [Pdf]

 Predicting Loose-Fitting Garment Deformations Using Bone-Driven Motion Networks

 Xiaoyu Pan, Jiaming Mai, Xinwei Jiang, Dongxue Tang, Jingxiang Li, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou, Xiaogang Jin, Dinesh Manocha

 ACM SIGGRAPH 2022, [Pdf]

 Neural Compositing for Real-time Augmented Reality Rendering in Low-frequency Lighting Environments

 Shengjie Ma, Qian Shen, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou

 Science China (Information Science), 2021, [Pdf] [Video]

 One-shot Face Reenactment Using Appearance Adaptive Normalization

 Guangming Yao, Yi Yuan, Tianjia Shao, Shuang Li, Shanqi Liu, Yong Liu, Mengmeng Wang, Kun Zhou

 AAAI 2021, [Pdf]

 Structure-aware Person Image Generation with Pose Decomposition and Semantic Correlation

 Jilin Tang, Yi Yuan, Tianjia Shao, Yong Liu, Mengmeng Wang, Kun Zhou

 AAAI 2021, [Pdf]

 Towards High-Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction From In-the-Wild Images Using Graph Convolutional Networks

 Jiangke Lin, Yi Yuan, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou

 IEEE CVPR 2020, 5890-5899 [Pdf] [Code]

 iOrthoPredictor: Model-guided Deep Prediction of Teeth Alignment

 Lingchen Yang, Zefeng Shi, Yiqian Wu, Xiang Li, Kun Zhou, Hongbo Fu, Youyi Zheng

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020, [Pdf]

 Real-Time Hair Simulation with Neural Interpolation

 Qing Lyv, Menglei Chai, Xiang Chen, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2020, [Pdf] [Video]

Speech-Driven Facial Animation with Spectral Gathering and Temporal Attention

 Yujin Chai, Yanlin Weng, Lvdi Wang, Kun Zhou

 Frontiers of Computer Science, 2020, [Pdf] [Video]

 Mesh Guided One-shot Face Reenactment Using Graph Convolutional Networks

 Guangming Yao, Yi Yuan, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou

 ACM Multimedia, 2020, [Pdf]

 Dynamic Future Net: Diversified Human Motion Generation

 Wenheng Chen, He Wang, Yi Yuan, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou

 ACM Multimedia, 2020, [Pdf]

 Dynamic Hair Modeling from Monocular Videos using Deep Neural Networks

 Lingchen Yang, Zefeng Shi, Youyi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2019, [Pdf] [Video]

 Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape

 Kaizhang Kang, Cihui Xie, Chengan He, Mingqi Yi, Minyi Gu, Zimin Chen, Kun Zhou, Hongzhi Wu

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2019, [Pdf] [Video]

 NeuroSkinning: Automatic Skin Binding for Production Characters with Deep Graph Networks

 Lijuan Liu, Youyi Zheng, Di Tang, Yi Yuan, Changjie Fan, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2019, [Pdf] [Video] [Supplementary] [Data]

 H-CNN: Spatial Hashing Based CNN for 3D Shape Analysis

 Tianjia Shao, Yin Yang, Yanlin Weng, Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2019

 NNWarp: Neural Network-based Nonlinear Deformation

 Ran Luo, Tianjia Shao, Huamin Wang, Weiwei Xu, Xiang Chen, Kun Zhou, Yin Yang

 IEEE TVCG, 2019

 CaricatureShop: Personalized and Photorealistic Caricature Sketching

 Xiaoguang Han, Kangcheng Hou, Dong Du, Yuda Qiu, Yizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Shuguang Cui

 IEEE TVCG, 2019

 Warp-Guided GANs for Single-Photo Facial Animation

 Jiahao Geng, Tianjia Shao, Youyi Zheng, Yanlin Weng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2018, Patent Filed.

 Modeling Hair from an RGB-D Camera

 Meng Zhang, Pan Wu, Hongzhi Wu, Yanlin Weng, Youyi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2018

 Efficient Reflectance Capture Using an Autoencoder

 Kaizhang Kang, Zimin Chen, Jiaping Wang, Kun Zhou, Hongzhi Wu

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2018

 Physically-Based Simulation of Cosmetics via Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Facial Priors

 Chen Li, Kun Zhou, Hsiang-Tao Wu, Stephen Lin

 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018

 AutoSweep: Recovering 3D Editable Objects from a Single Photograph

 Xin Chen, Yuwei Li, Xi Luo, Tianjia Shao, Jingyi Yu, Kun Zhou, Youyi Zheng

 IEEE TVCG, 2018

 Computational Design and Fabrication of Soft Pneumatic Objects with Desired Deformations

 Yizhong Zhang, Like Ma, Yang Liu, Kun Zhou, Xin Tong

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017

 A Data-driven Approach to Four-view Image-based Hair Modeling

 Meng Zhang, Menglei Chai, Hongzhi Wu, Hao Yang, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017, [Pdf] [Video]

 Specular Highlight Removal in Facial Images

 Chen Li, Stephen Lin, Kun Zhou, Katsushi Ikeuchi

 IEEE CVPR, 2017, [Pdf]

 Radiometric Calibration from Faces in Images

 Chen Li, Stephen Lin, Kun Zhou, Katsushi Ikeuchi

 IEEE CVPR, 2017, [Pdf]

 Recovering Functional Mechanical Assemblies from Raw Scans

 Minmin Lin, Tianjia Shao, Youyi Zheng, Niloy J. Mitra, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2017, [Pdf]

 Example-Based Subspace Stress Analysis for Interactive Shape Design

 Xiang Chen, Changxi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2016, [Pdf]

 Coloring 3D Printed Surfaces by Thermoforming

 Yizhong Zhang, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Interactive Sound Propagation with Bidirectional Path Tracing

 Chunxiao Cao, Zhong Ren, Carl Schissler, Dinesh Manocha, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2016, [Pdf] [Video] [Project]

 Efficient GPU Path Rendering Using Scanline Rasterization

 Rui Li, Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2016, [Pdf] [Video] [Project]

 Dynamic Furniture Modeling Through Assembly Instructions

 Tianjia Shao, Dongping Li, Yuliang Rong, Changxi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Interactive Mechanism Modeling from Multi-view Images

 Mingliang Xu, Mingyuan Li, Weiwei Xu, Zhigang Deng, Yin Yang, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 AutoHair: Fully Automatic Hair Modeling from A Single Image

 Menglei Chai, Tianjia Shao, Hongzhi Wu, Yanlin Weng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016, [Pdf] [Video] [Project], Patent Pending

 Real-time Facial Animation with Image-based Dynamic Avatars

 Chen Cao, Hongzhi Wu, Yanlin Weng, Tianjia Shao, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Crowd-driven Mid-scale Layout Design

 Tian Feng, Lap-Fai Yu, Sai-Kit Yeung, KangKang Yin, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Shape Completion from a Single RGBD Image

 Dongping Li, Tianjia Shao, Hongzhi Wu, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Adaptive Skinning for Interactive Hair-Solid Simulation

 Menglei Chai, Changxi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Simultaneous Localization and Appearance Estimation with a Consumer RGB-D Camera

 Hongzhi Wu, Zhaotian Wang, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2016, [Pdf] [Video]

 Bayesian Depth-from-Defocus with Shading Constraints

 Chen Li, Shuochen Su, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin

 IEEE TIP, 2016

 High-Quality Hair Modeling from A Single Portrait Photo

 Menglei Chai, Linjie Luo, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Nathan Carr, Sunil Hadap, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015, [Pdf] [Video]

 Unbiased Photon Gathering for Light Transport Simulation

 Hao Qin, Xin Sun, Qiming Hou, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015, [Pdf] [Supplemental Material]

 Computational Hydrographic Printing

 Yizhong Zhang, Chunji Yin, Changxi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2015, [Pdf] [Video], Patent Pending

 Real-Time High-Fidelity Facial Performance Capture

 Chen Cao, Derek Bradley, Kun Zhou, Thabo Beeler

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2015, [Pdf]

 Online Structure Analysis for Real-time Indoor Scene Reconstruction

 Yizhong Zhang, Weiwei Xu, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2015, [Pdf] [Video]

 Simulating Makeup through Physics-based Manipulation of Intrinsic Image Layers

 Chen Li, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin

 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, [Pdf]

 A Geodesic-Preserving Method for Image Warping

 Dongping Li, Kaiming He, Jian Sun, Kun Zhou

 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, [Pdf]

 AppFusion: Interactive Appearance Acquisition Using a Kinect Sensor

 Hongzhi Wu, Kun Zhou

 Computer Graphics Forum, 2015, [Pdf] [Video]

 Agile Structural Analysis for Fabrication-Aware Shape Editing

 Yue Xie, Weiwei Xu, Yin Yang, Xiaohu Guo, Kun Zhou

 Computer Aided Geometric Design (GMP), 2015, [Pdf]

 Intrinsic Face Image Decomposition with Human Face Priors

 Chen Li, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin

 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014, [Pdf]

 Imagining the Unseen: Stability-based Cuboid Arrangements for Scene Understanding

 Tianjia Shao, Aron Monszpart, Youyi Zheng, Bongjin Koo, Weiwei Xu, Kun Zhou, Niloy J. Mitra

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2014, [Pdf]

 An Asymptotic Numerical Method for Inverse Elastic Shape Design

 Xiang Chen, Changxi Zheng, Weiwei Xu, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2014, [Pdf] [Video] [Code]

 A Reduced Model for Interactive Hairs

 Menglei Chai, Changxi Zheng, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2014, [Pdf] [Video] [Data]

 Displaced Dynamic Expression Regression for Real-time Facial Tracking and Animation

 Chen Cao, Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2014, [Pdf] [Video] [Data], Patent Pending

 Cone Tracing for Furry Object Rendering

 Hao Qin, Menglei Chai, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 2014, [Pdf] [Video]

 Real-time Facial Animation on Mobile Devices

 Yanlin Weng, Chen Cao, Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou

 Graphical Models, 76(3): 172-179, 2014, [Pdf] [Video]

 Robust Simulation of Small-Scale Thin Features in SPH-based Free Surface Flows

 Xiaowei He, Huamin Wang, Fengjun Zhang, Hongan Wang, Guoping Wang, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics, to appear, 2014, [Pdf]

 GPU-based Out-of-Core Many-Lights Rendering

 Rui Wang, Yuchi Huo, Yazhen Yuan, Kun Zhou, Wei Hua, Hujun Bao

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2013)

 As-Rigid-As-Possible Distance Field Metamorphosis

 Yanlin Weng, Menglei Chai, Weiwei Xu, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou

 Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 32(7), 381-389, 2013

 Hair Interpolation for Portrait Morphing

 Yanlin Weng, Lvdi Wang, Xiao Li, Menglei Chai, Kun Zhou

 Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 32(7), 79-84, 2013

 Line Segment Sampling with Blue-Noise Properties

 Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Jie Guo, Guofu Xie, Jingui Pan, Wencheng Wang, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013) [Preprint]

 Interpreting Concept Sketches

 Tianjia Shao, Wilmot Li, Kun Zhou, Weiwei Xu, Baining Guo, Niloy J. Mitra

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013) [Preprint]

 Dynamic Hair Manipulation in Images and Videos

 Menglei Chai, Lvdi Wang, Yanlin Weng, Xiaogang Jin, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013) [Preprint]

 3D Shape Regression for Real-time Facial Animation

 Chen Cao, Yanlin Weng, Stephen Lin, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013) [Preprint] [Video], Patent Pending

 FaceWarehouse: a 3D Facial Expression Database for Visual Computing

 Chen Cao, Yanlin Weng, Shun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou

 IEEE TVCG, 20(3): 413-425, 2014, [Pdf] [Data]

 Boundary-Aware Multidomain Subspace Deformation

 Yin Yang, Weiwei Xu, Xiaohu Guo, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 IEEE TVCG, 19(10), 1633-1645, 2013, [Pdf]

 Analytic Double Product Integrals for All-Frequency Relighting

 Rui Wang, Minghao Pan, Weifeng Chen, Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Wei Hua, Hujun Bao

 IEEE TVCG, 19(7), 1133-1142, 2013, [Pdf]

 An Interactive Approach to Semantic Modeling of Indoor Scenes with an RGBD Camera

 Tianjia Shao, Weiwei Xu, Kun Zhou, Jingdong Wang, Dongping Li, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), [Preprint]

 TransCut: Interactive Rendering of Translucent Cutouts

 Dongping Li, Xin Sun, Zhong Ren, Steve Lin, Yiying Tong, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2013, [Preprint]

 Single-View Hair Modeling for Portrait Manipulation

 Menglei Chai, Lvdi Wang, Yanlin Weng, Yizhou Yu, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012), [Preprint]

 Interactive Images: Cuboid Proxies for Smart Image Manipulation

 Youyi Zheng, Xiang Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng, Kun Zhou, Shi-Min Hu, Niloy J. Mitra

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012), [Preprint]

 A Shading Reuse Method for Efficient Micropolygon Ray Tracing

 Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), [Preprint]

 Multiscale Vector Volumes

 Lvdi Wang, Yizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), [Preprint]

 A Deformable Surface Model for Real-Time Water Drop Animation

 Yizhong Zhang, Huamin Wang, Shuai Wang, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2011, [Preprint]

 Interactive Rendering of Non-Constant, Refractive Media using the Ray Equations of Gradient-Index Optics

 Chen Cao, Zhong Ren, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2010)

 Motion Imitation with a Handheld Camera

 Guofeng Zhang, Hanqing Jiang, Jin Huang, Jiaya Jia, Tien-Tsin Wong, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2010, to appear, [Preprint]

 Micropolygon Ray Tracing with Defocus and Motion Blur

 Qiming Hou, Hao Qin, Wenyao Li, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010),  [Preprint]

 Line Space Gathering for Single Scattering in Large Scenes

 Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010), [Preprint]

 Interactive Hair Rendering Under Environment Lighting

 Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Tengfei Li, Wei Hua, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010),  [Preprint]

 Vector Solid Textures

 Lvdi Wang, Kun Zhou, Yizhou Yu, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010),  [Preprint]

 Memory-Scalable GPU Spatial Hierarchy Construction

 Qiming Hou, Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Christian Lauterbach, Dinesh Manocha

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2010, to appear, [Preprint]

 Data-Parallel Octrees for Surface Reconstruction

 Kun Zhou, Minmin Gong, Xin Huang, Baining Guo

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2010, to appear. [Preprint] [MOV]

 Radiance Transfer Biclustering for Real-time All-frequency Bi-scale Rendering

 Xin Sun, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2010, to appear. [Preprint]

 Deformation Transfer to Multi-Component Objects

 Kun Zhou, Weiwei Xu, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun

 Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2010), [Preprint] [MOV]

 SPAP: A Programming Language for Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems

 Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 Technical Report, Jan, 2010, [Tech Report]

 Interactive Shape Interpolation through Controllable Dynamic Deformation

 Jin Huang, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, Mathieu Desbrun

 IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2011, to appear. [Tech Report]

 Out-of-Core Multigrid Solver for Streaming Meshes

 Xiaohan Shi, Hujun Bao, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), [Paper]

 Motion Field Texture Synthesis

 Chongyang Ma, Li-Yi Wei, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), [Paper] [Video]

 RenderAnts: Interactive Reyes Rendering on GPUs

 Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Minmin Gong, Xin Sun, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), [Paper] [Video] [Source Code & Data]

 Debugging GPU Stream Programs Through Automatic Dataflow Recording and Visualization

 Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), [Paper] [Video]

 An Efficient GPU-based Approach for Interactive Global Illumination

 Rui Wang, Rui Wang, Kun Zhou, Minghao Pan, Hujun Bao

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2009), [Paper]

 Example-based Hair Geometry Synthesis

 Lvdi Wang, Yizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2009), [Paper]

 Joint-aware Manipulation of Deformable Models

 Weiwei Xu, Jun Wang, Kangkang Yin, Kun Zhou, Michiel van de Panne, Falai Chen, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2009), [Paper]

 Real-Time KD-Tree Construction on Graphics Hardware

 Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Rui Wang, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008), [Paper] [DivX AVI]

 BSGP: Bulk-Synchronous GPU Programming

 Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), [Paper] [Supp. #1] [Supp. #2] [DivX AVI]

 [BSGP package (compiler, editor, library, and example code)]

 Example-Based Dynamic Skinning in Real Time

 Xiaohan Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), [Paper] [DivX AVI]

 Interactive Relighting of Dynamic Refractive Objects

 Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Eric Stollnitz, Jiaoying Shi, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), [Paper] [DivX AVI]

 Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching

 Kun Zhou, Zhong Ren, Stephen Lin, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), [Paper] [Video]

 Inverse Texture Synthesis

 Li-Yi Wei, Jianwei Han, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2008), [Paper] [Video]

 Gradient-based Interpolation and Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Inhomogeneous, Single-Scattering Media

 Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo

 Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2008),  [Tech Report] [DivX AVI]

 High Dynamic Range Image Hallucination

 Lvdi Wang, Liyi Wei, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 EGSR 2007,  [Paper] [Video]

 Fogshop: Real-Time Design and Rendering of Inhomogeneous, Single-Scattering Media

 Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Minmin Gong, John Snyder, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 Pacific Graphics 2007, 116-125  [Paper] [Video] [Supplement]

 Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs

 Kun Zhou, Xin Huang, Weiwei Xu, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007), [Paper] [Video]

 Mesh Puppetry: Cascading Optimization of Mesh Deformation with Inverse Kinematics

 Xiaohan Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007), [Paper] [Video]

 Gradient Domain Editing of Deforming Mesh Sequences

 Weiwei Xu, Kun Zhou, Yizhou Yu, Qifeng Tan, Qunsheng Peng, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007), [Paper] [Video]

 Interactive Relighting with Dynamic BRDFs

 Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Yanyun Chen, Stephen Lin, Jiaoying Shi, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007),  [Paper] [Video]

 2D Shape Deformation Using Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization

 Yanlin Weng, Weiwei Xu, Yanchen Wu, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo

 The Visual Computer, 22(9-11), 653-660, 2006. [Paper] [Video]

 Spherical Harmonics Scaling

 Jiaping Wang, Kun Xu, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin, Shimin Hu, Baining Guo

 The Visual Computer, 22(9-11), 713-720, 2006. [Paper] [Video]

 Real-time Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes using Spherical Harmonic Exponentiation

 Zhong Ren, Rui Wang, John Snyder, Kun Zhou, Xinguo Liu, Bo Sun, Peter-Pike Sloan, Hujun Bao, Qunsheng Peng, Baining Guo

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006), 977-986. [Paper] [Video]

 Mesh Quilting For Geometric Texture Synthesis

 Kun Zhou, Xin Huang, Xi Wang, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006), 690-697. [Paper] [Video]

 Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation

 Jin Huang, Xiaohan Shi, Xinguo Liu, Kun Zhou, Liyi Wei, Shanghua Teng, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2006), 1126-1134. [Paper] [Video]

 Precomputed Shadow Fields for Dynamic Scenes

 Kun Zhou, Yaohua Hu, Stephen Lin, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005), 1196-1201. [Paper] [Video]

The source radiance field (SRF) idea is used in Halo 3 to represent local light sources.

 TextureMontage: Seamless Texturing of Arbitrary Surfaces From Multiple Images

 Kun Zhou, Xi Wang, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005), 1148-1155. [Paper] [Video] [Data]

 Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph Laplacian

 Kun Zhou, Jin Huang, John Snyder, Xinguo Liu, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2005), 496-503. [Paper] [Video]

 Decorating Surfaces With Bidirectional Texture Functions

 Kun Zhou, Peng Du, Lifeng Wang, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Jiaoying Shi, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(5), 519-528, 2005. [Paper] [Video]

 Iso-charts: Stretch-driven Mesh Parameterization Using Spectral Analysis

 Kun Zhou, John Snyder, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004, 45-54.  [Paper]

 Iso-charts has been exposed in the D3DX library of DirectX 9 as UVAtlas functions.

 Mesh Editing with Poisson-Based Gradient Field Manipulation

 Yizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Dong Xu, Xiaohan Shi, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2004), 644-651. [Paper] [Video]

 3D Surface Filtering Using Spherical Harmonics

 Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, Jiaoying Shi

 Computer-Aided Design, 36(4), 363-375, 2004.

 Synthesis of Progressively-Variant Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces

 Jingdan Zhang, Kun Zhou, Luiz Velho, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

 ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003), 295-302. [Paper] [Video]

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